Description of all types and varieties of cyclamen: names with photos and their main characteristics

Cyclamen is a decorative culture that is characterized by incredibly beautiful flowering. At this time, the buds looked like "tongues of a frozen bright flame." There are many types and varieties of cyclamen. Each of them is distinguished by height, color and features in the care.

The popularity of this lovely flowering plant has only recently been increasing. In room culture, two species are more common than others: Persian cyclamen and European cyclamen. One and the other species is conquered with lovely original flowers.

What is this plant?

Cyclamen - herbaceous perennials with a tuberous thickened root. Belongs to the Mirsinovy ​​family. Leaves are basal, long-cut, dark green or green with gray or silver patterns. The flowers are solitary, located on long succulent peduncles, drooping. Some varieties of cyclamen bloom in winter, and others in spring.

Description of all varieties with names and photos


The plant is 10 cm high. Dark brown root tubers are concentrated underground and partially above its surface. Their diameter is 8 cm. Rounded, wintering leaves depart from them. The flowers are concentrated on long pedicels. Fruits - twist spirally. Flowering begins in February-March, and fruiting in March-June. Reproduction - vegetative and seeded. If the second method is chosen, then seeds germinate in the spring of next year.


This variety is great for winter flowering. The height of the plant is 30 cm. The leaves have a unique color - light green with silver streaks. The beginning of flowering is the end of autumn, and lasts until spring. Cyclamen Victoria is characterized by double flowers. The care is simple, no different from the care of other types of cyclamen grown at home. But with untimely care, the plant will die.


This plant is presented in two types of winter-hardy cyclamens - summer and autumn alpine violets. Summer violet is cyclamen magenta. Its flowering lasts from July to September. Autumn - Neapolitan Cyclamen. His leaves are decorated with a silver pattern. Flowering begins in September. Garden cyclamens should be grown in partial shade, in a place where there are no drafts and wind. Soil should be calcareous and enriched with humus. Garden cyclamens gradually grow, independently propagating and forming colorful clearings.

Ivy (neapolitan, pink)

In Europe, the culture of this variety is bred as a naturalization - to decorate gardens and parks. For the cyclamen cyclamen, independent development is characteristic.

This variety is one of the most frost-resistant. It differs from the rest by serrated leaves, which are very similar to ivy leaves. Each leaf bend contains unique horns, characteristic only for this type of plant. At home, this variety is not grown.

Lush flowering will begin from the beginning to mid-autumn. The flowers are beautiful pink. The root system develops from the top of the tuber, so that it is planted at a depth of 10 centimeters.


This is a houseplant, which was obtained as a result of complex breeding by crossing several species (ornamental and wild varieties). Terry flowers are large, form 13 petals. There are situations when 2 simple flowers are formed on one bush. It looks impressive and unusual. Leaves are different from ordinary cyclamens. They are larger. The plant looks very beautiful, even in the absence of flowers, when cyclamen is in a dormant period.


This variety is widespread in Europe. It grows both in the wild and in gardens. It is one of the northernmost cyclamens. He has no pronounced peace. He stays with leaves throughout the year.

Flowering is observed in the summer and lasts until mid-autumn. The height of the plant is 10 cm, and the width is 8 cm. The leaves can be round or heart-shaped. Their surface is glossy, color is dark green, length is up to 8 cm. The flowers bent up, differ in aroma. Their color is from pale carmine to red. Flowers bloom in mid-summer.


This flower received its name in honor of its homeland of the island of Kos. Some of its populations can be found almost all over the world. The tubers of the plant are velvety to the touch, have a dark brown color. The development of the root system comes from the lower area of ​​the tuber. Leaves appear in the fall and throughout the winter are in the snow.

Given the place of growth, the color of the flowers is subject to change:

  • on the Black Sea coast near Turkey - a bright pink color;
  • in Syria and southern Turkey - a pale pink color.

Flowering begins in late March and lasts for a month. At home, this type of cyclamen is not grown.


You can meet this species in Central Europe, Iran, the Mediterranean countries and Asia Minor. Such wild cyclamen varieties as Colchis and Kuznetsova cyclamen grow in the forests of Russia.

Colchis cyclamen grows in subalpine forests on calcareous rocks. Its flowering begins in August and lasts until October. The leaves are presented in the form of a heart. Their color is dark green on the outside, and the inside is reddish. Pink flowers with a burgundy stain at the base of the petal. The aroma resembles a lily of the valley.

Cyclamen Kuznetsov prefers beech, hornbeam, oak forests, as there are fertile soils. The leaf is oval in shape, green in color with gray spots on the outside and with purple spots on the bottom. Flowering begins in March and ends in February. The color of the flowers is white, pink. At the base of the petals is a lilac spot. The flower is characterized by a strong aroma.


This variety has rather wide leaves. The color is dark green on the outside and dark red on the bottom. There are silver blotches. Flowers are formed from 5 petals. Color can be from pink to purple. At the base of the petals there is a lilac spot.

Red partisan

This is a perennial tuberous plant belonging to the family Primrose. The color of the flowers is salmon red, and fringed petals along the edge. The flower stalk has a length of 15-20 cm. Flowering begins in late autumn and lasts until the end of April. Summer for a flower is a period of rest.

To grow a plant on the northern and eastern windows. If the south window is selected, then it must be shaded from sunlight. In winter, keep in a bright place where the temperature is not higher than 8-10 degrees.

In the summer, carry out activities to support growth:

  1. watering through the pan;
  2. spray with room water;
  3. make nitrogen-potassium fertilizers.


This is a herbaceous perennial plant, which is characterized by a tuberous thickened root. The leaves are radical, green, silver patterns are present. The color of flowers from pink to collar. A flower of 5 petals is formed. Flowering begins in July and lasts until October. In winter, the plant is at rest.


This is a mixture that is made up of small cyclamen plants. Flowering mini mix begins in November and ends in April. During this period, it is important to water the plant 2 times a week. In spring, culture needs peace. Propagation of cyclamen mix propagated by tubers.

This group of plants includes such varieties:

  • Cyclamen Patio Mix.
  • Cyclamen Super Mix.
  • Cyclamen Rococo Mix.

We wrote more about cyclamen mix here.

General care rules

Air humidity

Cyclamen is a plant for which high humidity is important. During growth, the leaves should be sprayed. At the beginning of flowering, stop spraying. To increase moisture, you need to create a water mist near the flower. To do this, put it on a pallet with wet pebbles. With the onset of winter, put it at a great distance from the central heating batteries.


During flowering, water the plant so that the liquid does not penetrate the roots. Distribute moisture evenly to prevent overflow. But the soil should not dry out.

It is enough to water 1-2 times a week. During rest, reduce moisture to 1 time per month. It is important to ensure that the earth does not dry out.


It is advisable to transplant when new leaves form on the plant. It accounts for the end of June. For transplant use a low capacity, while quite wide. When performing a transplant, take into account such a moment: the root system of cyclamens is completely covered with earth. Until the roots thoroughly take root, it is not often watered, and only then increase hydration.

Top dressing

Fertilizers must be applied once every 2 weeks. It is necessary to use the mineral compositions provided for flowering crops. Fertilize from the moment the leaves develop and continue until the plant blooms.

Diseases and Pests

Cyclamen is very often affected by infectious diseases and pests. Most often, he is attacked by a cyclamen tick. You can detect it by the presence of deformed leaves, crooked peduncles and bent buds. It is not easy to detect tick infection in the initial stages. With a severe defeat, drugs do not always cope with parasites, so you have to get rid of the flower.

Of the diseases, the plant is affected by gray rot and powdery mildew. These are fungal diseases. If the leaves began to curl and dry, then you need to urgently treat Foodnazole.

Cyclamen is an ornamental plant, the feature of which is the ability to grow it at home and in the open ground.

Does not impose special requirements on the type of soil and is not picky about care.

But if you make a number of mistakes, then this is fraught with the development of diseases that can ruin the flower.

Watch the video: Cyclamen Plant Care - Indoor Growing Conditions (October 2024).

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