Bezonia sisolistina is an ideal houseplant for a beginner grower

Are you a beginner florist? Are you looking for something to plant? Or just want to decorate your house and add fragrances to it? You should consider planting such an incredibly beautiful flower as begonia. I count up to 2000 hybrid forms at present.

Among them are herbaceous plants, shrubs, vines and even epiphytes. Some of them are grown as decorative foliage plants, and others as interior decoration, as it has very bright and spectacular flowers. In this article we will talk about the sesolium begonia.

Botanical Description

Perennial shrub with drooping shoots. The leaves are asymmetric, reach 12 cm, have an ovoid - oblong shape, a smooth surface. On the one hand they have a red tint, on the other hand, a gray-green. Flowers are same-sex, arranged in groups, from bright red to coral red with a diameter of up to one and a half cmcollected in raceme inflorescences. It blooms in summer.

History of occurrence

The genus begonia (family begoniaceae) has more than 1000 species.

Begonia was first discovered and described by the French monk and botanist Charles Plumier on a 1678 scientific expedition to the Antilles, organized by Michel Begon. Plume, on an expedition to the West Indies, discovered six species of begonia, which until then was still unknown. He named the plant after his friend Michel Begon. Upon his return, he wrote a book where he described everything he saw, calling it "Description of the plants of America with their drawings." At the moment, there are more than a thousand hybrid forms and varieties.

Appearance and features

It is recommended as an ampel plant. Bush plant. Asymmetric leaves, characteristic of all types of begonias, red in color on one side and bluish-green in the other. The flowers are small, from bright red to coral red.

Where and how to plant?

Soil requirements

Sysolitic begonia is grown in pots or in hanging baskets, since such cultivation is recommended for ampelous indoor plants. The earth mixture must be used loose and nutritious.

The composition of the earth mixture:

  • Humus land.
  • Sod land.
  • Peat land.
  • Sheet earth.
  • Sand.

Combined in a ratio of 4: 2: 2: 2: 1. You can also add a small amount of coniferous land.

ATTENTION! During flowering, you can not keep begonias crowded on the windowsill. Since they will block each other.

How to care?

Lighting, location and temperature

Sesole Begonia needs bright lighting, but direct rays should not be allowed. You can shade it with gauze, blinds or a cloth to avoid burns.

In cold periods, morning and evening, it should be exposed in a sunny place, but for a short period of time so as not to burn the flowers. In summer, the temperature should be 20 degrees, it is undesirable from above, and in winter at least 15-18. Excessive shading must not be allowed. This can lead to yellowing of the leaves.


It is better to produce it evenly, at the same hours. In summer, it is imperative to carry out plentiful watering twice a week, in extreme heat daily. In autumn and winter - moderate. Waterlogging of the soil should not be allowed, as this contributes to the disease with gray rot. Watering should be done when the top layer of the earth dries up 1-2 cm. Water must be defended, it must be soft. Do not allow excessive soil moisture.


In the room where the flower is located, humidity should be maintained at about 60%. You can use an air humidifier, or put a vessel with water next to it; humidity will be achieved by evaporating the water. But it is necessary to spray the air around the plant, and not the leaves themselves, begonia does not like this. Waterlogging should not be allowed.


In addition to humidity, begonia also needs fresh air, so the room must be ventilated. In such conditions, it will grow much better.

Top dressing

Feeding should be treated carefully.

IMPORTANT! You can not fertilize with nitrogenous fertilizers, which are often used for decorative and deciduous plants, because of this, an increase in leaf growth and suppression of flowers can begin.

A well-balanced fertilizer produced no more than once a month is well suited. During winter dormancy, the plant can not be fed unnecessarily. In spring, feeding can be renewed during a period of increased growth.


A transplant is made every year in the spring. Loose and nutritious soil is well suited for transplanting, coarse-grained river sand is laid on the bottom of the pot, half of the tank is filled with sheet soil (2 parts), on top is a mixture of peat (1 part) and chernozem (1 part). She quickly covered with leaves and bloom, if you put it in a sunny place.

What are the diseases and pests?

Due to improper care, begonia can get sick, it can cause pests. Reasons, manifestation and their treatment:

  1. Lack of watering and humidity. Manifestation: the tips of the leaves turn brown and begin to fall off. Treatment: level the watering and adjust the humidity.
  2. Lack of lighting. Manifestation: the leaf plate begins to fade. Treatment: put the flower in a more illuminated place.
  3. Dry air and improper temperature. Manifestation: powdery mildew (outwardly like a white coating). Treatment: treatment with 1% aqueous solution of colloidal sulfur.
  4. Excessive humidity at low temperatures. Manifestation: fungus formation. Treatment: remove the affected areas, treat the plant with fungicides.
  5. Dry air. Manifestation: the appearance of a spider mite. Treatment: spray with acaricidal agents in the open air.
  6. The appearance of parasites. Manifestation: damage to aphids. Treatment: for 24 hours, insist on a solution of tobacco made in the ratio of 20 g per 1 liter, treat the places of accumulation of aphids.
  7. Lack of moisture and nutrients. Parasites that harm the root system. Manifestation: yellowing of the leaves. Treatment: if the matter is parasites, then the flower is transplanted, previously the roots are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Propagation Features

The best time for a transplant is the spring-summer period.


For rooting, use a stem stalk about 7 cm long. Prepare a pre-moistened extract of sand and peat in a ratio of three to one. Immediately after the cut, drop off. Put in a dark place. In this way, the planting material is easily rooted.

TIP! If you want to use propagation by leaf cuttings, then select the strongest instance. Dip the stem into the ground so that the leaf does not touch the ground. Keep in a dark room until rooting.

Interesting Facts

  • The asteroid (943) Begonia, which was discovered in 1920, was named after begonia.
  • In China, there is a legend that the first begonia flowers sprouted in the ground, on which the tears of a woman in love fell.
  • In Belgium, for flower celebrations, craftsmen and artists lay out paintings of incredible beauty from begonias.
  • Peoples of the Himalayan Mountains use begonia in cooking as a seasoning.

These are the main points that you need to know, with them you can grow sysolistic begonia at home without any problems. She will decorate your home and give a good mood. Sysolic Begonia is a wonderful home plant, and most importantly unpretentious. Among gardeners, it is one of the most popular indoor plants. Everyone will find a look to their liking.

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